- by :- Allso.in
Spiritual & Reiki Healer With 40 Years Of Experience
I am Vijay Kadakica, Ishana Shivam Nithya ( Swami Jay Nisarg) have acquired about 35 years of professional experience after obtaining a Civil Engineering Degree ( i.e B E CIVIL )from Faculty of Tech & Engr.,M S University Vadodara.,I worked with Narmada(Sardar Sarovar)Project for a period of 34 years.I got the Divine Power of Third Eye in 2017, Than my life become supernatural.As a God gift, I can heal the Physical, Emotional , Spiritual Problems & Financial Problems of of any people, whom I never meet. I also can heal the Karmic and Cronic problem Through Past Life Regression and Astral Travel. I also can heal the problem of any type of addiction .I can also give the Divine Healing Numbers for any type of problems : Either Physical or Emotional or Spritual or Financial or Daily Life common Probelms too.
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