- by :- Allso.in
Palmist & Numerologer With Years Of Experience
I have been predicting events and suggesting remedies based KP Astrology, palmistry, numerology, tarot card for the last 6 years successfully. I developed interest in astrology at a very young age and learned astrology besides palmistry, tarot card reading and numerology. In place of restricting my knowledge base to traditional approach of horoscope reading I am using mystic art as a psychological and self improvement tool. In my own journey towards wholeness i have investigated many paths, and this has made me one of the most acclaimed astrologers of India in very short span of time. I am a clear and gentle communicator and an excellent synthesizer of information. .I can bring together the information in hand, astrology chart and numbers for a comprehensive picture of an individual and the situation he/she is going through. Over the years, through workshop and private consultation, I have motivated many men and women of various age groups about self awareness. Such awareness education helped them in managing many common issues of life which are related to health, wealth, jobs, career, matrimony and progeny.
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