Kartik Rawal ji
We truly valued your presence as a VIP Chief Guest at the 1st Bharat Occult Science Maha Sammelan.
We were extremely pleased to present Kartik Rawal ji with the Lift Time Achievement Award Kartik Rawal Ji
with the Bharat Best Astrologer Award 2023.
Your participation and the blessing at the seminar is much appreciated.
Heartfelt Gratitude
Much obliged.
Looking forward to see you at our Next Bharat Occult Science Maha Sammelan
Thank you
@followers @highlight Rajieev Goel Kartik Rawal Ved Shastra Astro ALLSO IN Allso Astro News Shastri Jyotish
#profkartikrawal #allso #also #vedshastraastrokartik #vedshastraastro
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